What's better than playing Four Squares in PE class on this beautiful day!
over 2 years ago, Roosevelt Intermediate School
What's better than playing Four Squares in PE class on a beautiful day!
Join us for the Board of Education meeting on Tues, Sept 20 at 7p in Cafeteria B at WHS. Agenda: https://bit.ly/BOEAgendas2022-23 Livestream: https://bit.ly/BOELiveStream202223
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Graphic for BOE Meeting on September 20, 2022
Students in Ms. Goodwin's Technology Engineering and Design class work together as a team to reproduce a replica of a hidden object that is made out of K'NEX's. Only one team member can see the hidden object and they have to describe the object to try and get it built correctly. Communication is key!
over 2 years ago, Roosevelt Intermediate School
Students in Ms. Goodwin's Technology Engineering and Design class work together as a team to reproduce a replica of a hidden object that is made out of K'NEX's. Only one team member can see the hidden object and they have to describe the object to try and get it built correctly. Communication is key!
These are the smiling faces behind our school-wide morning announcements this week.
over 2 years ago, Roosevelt Intermediate School
These are the smiling faces behind our school-wide morning announcements this week.
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
"Become a Substitute" sign
The Golden Pass is back! Learn more about how Westfield residents 65 and older may attend many WHS events for free. Please share the news with your friends and neighbors. https://www.westfieldnjk12.org/article/836407
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Image  of the Golden Pass for Westfield residents 65 and older
Our new school year is off to a great start! Welcome Back RIS Family.
over 2 years ago, Roosevelt Intermediate School
Welcome Back RIS Students
Strategic planning and district / Board goals for the 2022-2023 school year were among the topics at the August 30 Board of Education meeting. Read more in this synopsis: https://bit.ly/SynopsisAugust302022
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Graphic of Synopsis Heading
Lots of professional learning and other preparations for a new school year. We're ready for our students tomorrow! https://www.westfieldnjk12.org/article/829215
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Intermediate school staffers  participate in  workshop during professional development day.
Intermediate school staffers  participate in  workshop during professional development day.
Elementary art teachers collaborate during professional development day
Elementary teachers  participate in professional development session
A full day of professional development sessions as our teachers and staff prepare to welcome back students tomorrow (Wednesday), September 7.
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Paraprofessionals take part in a  PD session
PreK teachers  work together during all day PD sessions
Fine Arts teachers collaborate during PD session
Teachers take part in a PD session on helping students and staff with all different types of loss
The Back-to-School issue of The NEWS Letter is in email inboxes. In case you missed it, it is also posted on the district website under District Information: https://sites.google.com/westfieldnjk12.org/thenewsletter/back-to-school-2022
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Screenshot of title heading of The NEWS Letter
Opening Day for staff! Superintendent Dr. Raymond González, Board President Brendan Galligan, and WEA President Kim Dickey were on hand to welcome all back. Great to see everyone eager and ready for the first day of school on September 7. https://youtu.be/LwUoDE1-nAE
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Superintendent welcomes staff during Opening Day convocation
Westfield Public Schools staff comes together for Opening Day convocatoin
WEA president Kim Dickey welcomes staff on Opening Day
As you prepare for your child’s return to school, please be aware that medications and health forms can be dropped off to our school nurses at the following times: August 31st - between 12pm to 3pm September 1st - between 2pm to 3pm September 7th - between 2pm to 3pm Mrs. Desousa will have a table setup at the main entrance to the school to receive your medication. All health forms can be accessed on the Westfield High School Health Services Page.
over 2 years ago, Roosevelt Intermediate School
Board of Education meeting on Tues, Aug 30 in Cafe B at WHS. Meeting begins at 6p with Board members moving immediately into private session. Public portion of meeting will resume at 7p Agenda: https://bit.ly/BOEAgendas2022-23 Livestream: https://bit.ly/BOELiveStream202223
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Graphic announcing BOE Meeting on August 30, 2022
In its 20th year, the Extended School Year Program helps students strengthen and maintain academic skills for the coming school year. Here's what the engaging program looked like this summer: https://www.westfieldnjk12.org/article/802771
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Students attending Extended School Year program during morning lesson
Young learners in Extended School Year Program enjoy a visit from a therapy dog and his handler.
Extended School Year instructor reads to young learners.
Extended School year students give hug to a special visitor from the PAW Patrol
Hands-on, problem-based learning at STEM Camp! https://www.westfieldnjk12.org/article/797326
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Two STEM campers enjoy a DNA session
STEM camper shows off DNA model
STEM campers enjoy exploring scientific concepts while making slime during the new STEM Camp workshop, “Mind Blowing Experiments” with Edison science teacher David Parke.
 STEM campers learn the fundamentals of mechanical engineering in a new workshop on “Engineering Design Challenges” with Jefferson teacher Wendy Hahn.
The summer scrubdown is no small undertaking. With great appreciation, here is our Roosevelt custodial crew.
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Roosevelt Intermediate School custodial crew poses for picture
Classroom desks are stacked in a Roosevelt Intermediate School hallway
A new K-12 Director of Counseling and generous donations from our community partners were among the highlights at a special Board of Education meeting on July 25. Here's a synopsis: https://bit.ly/SynopsisJuly252022
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Synopsis Heading - Reads "Highlights from the Westfield Board of Education Meeting
A productive 3-day leadership retreat, as our administrators gather to share best practices and exchange ideas for the coming school year and beyond, while participating in important training sessions.
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Superintendent Dr Raymond Gonzalez welcomes administrators to a 3-day leadership retreat.
At a special meeting on July 25, the Westfield Board of Education approved the appointment of Falynn Balassone as K-12 Director of Counseling to succeed Maureen Mazzarese, who is retiring as of August 31, 2022. Read more: https://www.westfieldnjk12.org/article/790921
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Photo of Falynn Balassone, new K-12 Director Counseling