Students at RIS watched a powerful live performance called "Through the Eyes of a Friend". This presentation by Living Voices parallels the life of Anne Frank.
almost 2 years ago, Roosevelt Intermediate School
Students at RIS watched a powerful live performance called "Through the Eyes of a Friend". This presentation by Living Voices  parallels the life of Anne Frank.
7th grade students are growing hydroponic plants in the classroom to assist them in understanding photosynthesis.
almost 2 years ago, Roosevelt Intermediate School
Students are growing hydroponic plants in the classroom to assist them in understanding photosynthesis.
Ms. Goodwin's 7th grade TED II classes are learning about circuitry to create a variety of different projects. Controlling the brightness of a light, to building a remote control to drive a car- the creations are endless.
almost 2 years ago, Roosevelt Intermediate School
Ms. Goodwin's 7th grade TED II classes are learning about circuitry to create a variety of different projects. Controlling the brightness of a light, to building a remote control to drive a car- the creations are endless.
Ms. Goodwin's 7th grade TED II classes are learning about circuitry to create a variety of different projects. Controlling the brightness of a light, to building a remote control to drive a car- the creations are endless.
Ms. Goodwin's 7th grade TED II classes are learning about circuitry to create a variety of different projects. Controlling the brightness of a light, to building a remote control to drive a car- the creations are endless.
RIS Spirit Week is in Full Swing = Hawaiian Day
almost 2 years ago, Roosevelt Intermediate School
RIS Spirit Week is in Full Swing = Hawaiian Day
Save the Dates for Westfield STEM Camp 2023. Registration will be in mid-February for this popular summer camp. Stay tuned!
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Flyer with details of Summer STEM Camp 2023
Westfield residents will go to the polls on April 25, 2023 to vote on 2023-2024 school budget. Please visit the Budget Vote portal on the district /school websites which will be updated as budget is finalized.
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Graphic saying "Your Voice. Your Vote." re April school budget vote
Students in ELA class are reading two different memoirs, then worked with partners to find similarities between the stories.
almost 2 years ago, Roosevelt Intermediate School
Students in ELA class are reading two different memoirs, then worked with partners to find similarities between the stories.
Recognition of Girls Tennis and Boys Soccer teams , the swearing in of a new Board member, and the first in a series of presentations on the 2023-2024 Budget and public vote on April 25 were among the highlights at the Jan 17 BOE meeting.
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Girls Tennis Team hold certificates and pose for pic at BOE meeting
Boys  Soccer Team hold certificates and pose for pic at BOE Meeting
Petitions are being accepted for candidacy in the April 25, 2023 School Board Election. The deadline to submit to BA/Board Secretary Patricia Ramos is 3p, March 6. Petitions/more information:
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Graphic noting accepting petitions for candidacy in April School Board Election
Students in 8th grade Social Studies classes are engaged in conversations about the responsibilities of "bystanders" in relation to the escalation of hate.
almost 2 years ago, Roosevelt Intermediate School
Students in 8th grade Social Studies class engaged in a conversation about the responsibility of "bystanders" in relation to the escalation of hate.
BOE meeting at 6p on Tues, Jan 17 in Cafe B at WHS. Board members will immediately move into private session. Public session resumes @ 7p. Agenda: Livestream:
about 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Graphic noting BOE meeting on Jan 17, 2023
WHS alumnae Lucy Ritter recently returned to her alma mater to share her experiences as Drumset Chair for the national tour of the Grammy Award-winning musical, Alanis Morissette’s Jagged Little Pill. Full story:
about 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Lucy Ritter speaks to WHS student musicians
Lucy Ritter poses for selfie with Edison student musician
Lucy Ritter sits on stage with audience of Edison student musicians
Lucy Ritter signs drum stick of Edison student
Schools will be closed on Monday, January 16, as we honor the tremendous legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
about 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Graphic stating schools closed on Dr MLK Day
8th graders enrolled in Advanced Debate class enjoyed their recent trip to our local Court House.
about 2 years ago, Roosevelt Intermediate School
8th graders enrolled in Advanced Debate class enjoyed their recent trip to our local Court House.
Students in Mrs. Helwig's 7th grade Language Arts class are engaged in a Memoir "Book Tasting" to determine their interest for their memoir book club books.
about 2 years ago, Roosevelt Intermediate School
Students in Mrs. Helwig's 7th grade Language Arts class are engaged in a Memoir "Book Tasting"  to determine their interest for their memoir book club books.
Special BOE meeting on Tues, Jan 10 in Cafe B at WHS. Board members will immediately move into private session to conduct interviews for Board vacancy. Public session resumes @ 7p. Agenda: Livestream:
about 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Graphic noting BOE Meeting on Jan 10, 2023
January is School Board Recognition Month! Remember to thank our dedicated Board members for their service.
about 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Graphic regarding School Board Recognition Month
If you haven't already, check out the district's new mobile app for quick and easy access to school news and events, student stories, the website, and more. Instructions on how to download here:
about 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Graphic with instructions on the Westfield Public Schools mobile app
6th Grade students in Mrs. Morrison and Ms. Miller's math class are learning how to simplify variable expressions. During this class activity, students were asked to simplify variable expressions and record their answers according to specific mathematical directions. For each correct answer an image appeared on the screen. At the end of the activity they will have created a complete image.
about 2 years ago, Roosevelt Intermediate School
6th Grade students in Mrs. Morrison and Ms. Miller's math class  are learning how to simplify variable expressions. During this class activity, students were asked to simplify variable expressions and record their answers according to specific mathematical directions. For each correct answer an image appeared on the screen. At the end of the activity they will have created a complete image.
Members of Roosevelt's "One Student Body" Club meet after school with advisor James Lane to create additional country flags for an existing cafeteria display of all of the nations representing the heritages of students and staff. Such diversity!
about 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Photo collage of members of the RIS One Student Body Club working on country flags
Display of flags on cafeteria wall