Thank you to the Westfield Education Fund for their generous donation supporting student and staff wellness and to Imagine, A Center for Coping with Loss, for facilitating the training. https://www.westfieldnjk12.org/article/918589

Aaron Taylor was recognized by the Kean Diversity Counsel with the Joy Prescott Humanitarian Award for Student Leadership and Dedication. He was recognized at their virtual conference which he attended with other members of the No Place for Hate Committee.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Congratulations to our amazing student-athletes who recently signed Letters of Intent to compete in college! https://www.westfieldnjk12.org/article/917781

The Westfield Board of Education is seeking an applicant who is interested in serving on the Board from January 1, 2023 through April 24, 2023 to fill the vacancy resulting from the resignation of Board member Amy Root. Details here: https://www.westfieldnjk12.org/article/916168

The Edison Field Project, key administration appointments, and a warm welcome for our new student Board representative were among the topics at the November 15 BOE meeting. Read more in this synopsis:

Congratulations to Amy Broughton(Class of 2022) who was acknowledged today for her artwork from our WHS graphic design program being selected for the ScreenNJ Mobile Health Unit design contest. She was presented her award at the unveiling of the mobile unit at Rutger University Cancer Center of NJ.

Today, we recognized some amazing students with the Dr. Derrick Nelson Lift While You Climb Award. Annika Vesuna, Madison Wright, Ashley Pizha and Thomas Geocos were recognized for their positive impact on their classmates and school. We thank them for making WHS a better place!

Please click Agenda link for info on Strategic Planning Council / Special Board meeting on 11/14 in Edison cafeteria and regular public Board meeting on Tues, 11/15 in Cafe B at WHS. Agenda: https://bit.ly/BOEAgendas2022-23 Livestream: https://bit.ly/BOELiveStream202223

Ingenuity, resilience, and fun were on display at McKinley Elementary School as WHS students in Laura Doyle's Makerspace class shared Halloween-themed games and activities with delighted 3rd graders. Full story: https://www.westfieldnjk12.org/article/900560

Remember last year when we all wanted to help people in Ukraine?
Some people from Ukraine were lucky to come to the US; now they need basic necessities. The WHS Community Service Club is working with the Westfield Fun Club, please HELP if you can. Attached is the list of items needed for refugee families.

As part of our environmental science courses' curriculum, students visited Sandy Hook to observe species in their natural environment and focused on the importance of the salt marsh as an ecosystem.

Please take note of early dismissals and schools closed during the week of November 7-11.

Congrats to WHS Marching Blue Devils for 7th place finish in regional championship, competing against bands from NJ, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Massachusetts. They capped off 2022 season, placing 2nd in AAAA State Championships. https://www.westfieldnjk12.org/article/897450

Did you know we have a new sports journalism course at Westfield High School? Check out their website at https://hiseyesports.org/

Welcome to former Westfield Police Captain Frank Padovano, who has been appointed School Safety and Security Specialist for the Westfield Public School District. https://www.westfieldnjk12.org/article/891833

Hello Westfield Community!
The WHS Community Service Club hopes to have your support with the coat drive. Please check your closets for those unwanted coats that can keep someone else warm. Your help and support are greatly appreciated.

The WHS Blue Devils are amazing! Check out https://hiseyesports.org/
for all the latest sports news .

The WHS Community Service Club has been busy this fall... making/collecting lunches for homeless shelters, sorting food at Temple Emanu-El, providing homework help to Jefferson students, and joining Run4TheChildren in support of the Child Advocacy Center of Union County.

Chemistry students at WHS participated in our annual Mole Day Celebration on Monday. Typically we celebrate on Oct 23rd, in honor of Avogadro’s number 6.02x1023. Chemistry students proudly wore their Mole Day T-shirts which were made by using a process similar to chromatography. During class, students participated in Mole Day activities and contests such as Mole Day Jeopardy, calculating the worth of a mole of pennies, playing Mole-in-One golf, guessing moles of water in a water bottle, and flipping a water bottle. We all had a “mole”velous day in chemistry!!!