4th and 5th Graders enjoyed having local author, Matthew Myklusch, visit McKinley School. Myklusch shared the inspiration for his characters and previewed his most recent novels.
10 days ago, McKinley Elementary School
Author visit
Author visit
Author visit
Author visit
The 5th Grade Band and Orchestra Concert was a festive and fabulous performance.
13 days ago, McKinley Elementary School
Band and Orchestra concert
band and Orchestra concert
Band and Orchestra concert
Band and Orchestra concert
The Color Run is always the highlight of the Snowflake Shuffle. This year's participants had a blast!
13 days ago, McKinley Elementary School
Posing after the Color Run
Color Run
Color Run
Color Run
Color Run
Color Run
Color Run
Online registration is open for Kindergarten and Grade 1 for the 2025-2026 school year. https://sites.google.com/westfieldnjk12.org/student-registration/home . Please share with Westfield friends and neighbors.
17 days ago, Westfield Public Schools
Graphic noting Kindergarten and Grade 1 Registration open
Thank you McKinley PTO for hosting our 4th Annual Snowflake Shuffle! We danced, we exercised, we stretched, and we enjoyed one another's company. It was great to be outside and active on a cold December day.
19 days ago, McKinley Elementary School
Snowflake Shuffle
Snowflake Shuffle
Snowflake Shuffle
Snowflake Shuffle
Snowflake Shuffle
Snowflake Shuffle
Snowflake Shuffle
Snowflake Shuffle
Snowflake Shuffle
Snowflake Shuffle
Let the concert season begin! The 5th Grade Chorus performed for all of our staff and students during the day and for our families during the evening concert. What a festive way to kickoff the holiday season!
19 days ago, McKinley Elementary School
Winter Chorus Concert
Winter Chorus Concert
Winter Chorus Concert
Winter Chorus Concert
Winter Chorus Concert
Dedicated 5th Grade Band students gather before the school day begins to rehearse for their upcoming winter concert.
24 days ago, McKinley Elementary School
Morning Band Rehearsal
Morning Band Rehearsal
4th grade teacher, Mr. Hannis, facilitated the first morning intramural session for 4th and 5th grade students. This session was a great way for our students to incorporate extra activity and to prepare their minds and bodies for a day of learning.
about 1 month ago, McKinley Elementary School
Morning Intramural Session
Morning Intramural Session
Morning Intramural Session
Morning Intramural Session
The McKinley community celebrated World Kindness Day by donating generously to our PTO-sponsored Coat and Clothing Drive. At the end of the drive, some of our 5th Grade students helped to load the donations onto a truck.
about 1 month ago, McKinley Elementary School
Coat and Clothing Drive
Coat and Clothing Drive
McKinley students recognized Veterans Day with a school-wide assembly. Mr. Tom Palesky, an Army Veteran, spoke to the students about the qualities of leadership.
about 1 month ago, McKinley Elementary School
Veterans Day Assembly
Veterans Day Assembly
The Westfield Public Schools and Town of Westfield are recipients of the 2024 Green Team Collaboration Award for their joint efforts in creating and promoting sustainable practices in our schools and the community. Full story: https://www.westfieldnjk12.org/article/1868555
about 1 month ago, Westfield Public Schools
Group photo at awards ceremony
The McKinley School gym was transformed into a polling site on Tuesday. Our fifth grade students served as polling officials and all students and staff were invited to vote for a spirit day activity. After all votes were counted, the results were clear. Our school community voted to have a PJ/Movie Day for our next spirit day. Happy Election Day!
about 2 months ago, McKinley Elementary School
McKinley School Election
McKinley School Election
McKinley School Election
McKinley School Election
McKinley School Election
McKinley School Election
McKinley School Election
McKinley School Election
McKinley School Election
McKinley School Election
McKinley first graders wrapped up fire safety month and learned about community helpers with their annual trip to the Westfield Fire Station. They loved walking to the fire station and seeing the fire trucks and meeting the fire fighters.
about 2 months ago, McKinley Elementary School
First Graders visit the Westfield Fire Station
First Graders visit the Westfield Fire Station
First Graders visit the Westfield Fire Station
First Graders visit the Westfield Fire Station
First Graders visit the Westfield Fire Station
Students enjoy the Illuminated Pumpkin Display created by McKinley School Secretaries, Mrs. Penczak and Mrs. Fetter.
about 2 months ago, McKinley Elementary School
Illuminated pumpkin display
Illuminated pumpkin display
Illuminated pumpkin display
Students view illuminated pumpkins
Students enjoyed celebrating Halloween outside this morning with fun games. Thank you to our parent volunteers for making these activities possible.
about 2 months ago, McKinley Elementary School
students enjoying Halloween crafts
Halloween games
Halloween games
Mummy time
Halloween games
Happy Halloween! The McKinley community had a blast dressing in costumes for this fun and festive day!
about 2 months ago, McKinley Elementary School
happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!
Fourth Graders practice coding skills. Students work together to write code that will move Spherobots from one point to another.
about 2 months ago, McKinley Elementary School
Students practice coding
Students practice coding
Students practice coding
Second graders in Ms. Passananti's class added finishing touches to their narratives in preparation for their publishing party.
2 months ago, McKinley Elementary School
Second graders writing
Second graders writing
First graders in Ms. Caruana's class worked hard on their writing launch and were happy to celebrate their published pieces. Each student traveled from desk to desk and read their classmate's writing piece. Then, they left a compliment on the blue paper before heading to the next story!
2 months ago, McKinley Elementary School
Writing Celebration
Complimenting one another's writing
Our second graders completed their study of the lifecycle of the Monarch butterfly. They were able to observe the metamorphosis from egg to adult caterpillar to chrysalis and then to Monarch butterfly. They recently released the last of the Monarch butterflies they raised. Additionally, students in 3B learned about the migration pattern of the Monarchs and also learned how scientists were able to track this pattern decades ago by tagging the butterflies. The students tagged several butterflies and sent them off on their long journey to Mexico. Safe travels, McKinley Monarchs!
2 months ago, McKinley Elementary School
Monarch butterfly tagged