about 2 years ago, Franklin Elementary School
Halloween spirit at Franklin School!
about 2 years ago, Franklin Elementary School
about 2 years ago, Franklin Elementary School
stay puff
Happy Halloween!
about 2 years ago, Franklin Elementary School
about 2 years ago, Franklin Elementary School
Scenes from Halloween!
about 2 years ago, Franklin Elementary School
Strategic Planning Stakeholder Session for Parents and Community Members on Wednesday, November 2 from 7-9p. Hope to see you there!
about 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Flyer for strategic planning stakeholder session for parents and community members
More trioramas!
about 2 years ago, Franklin Elementary School
Second graders are studying communities. Their activity was to create their own versions of urban, suburban and rural communities using a “triorama”.
about 2 years ago, Franklin Elementary School
The Board of Education approved Patricia Ramos to succeed Dana Sullivan as Business Administrator, effective January 1, 2023. Read more: https://www.westfieldnjk12.org/article/880230
about 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Patricia Ramos poses for picture at her desk
We Walked!
about 2 years ago, Franklin Elementary School
mayor and students walked
mayor and student
We Walked and so did the Mayor!
about 2 years ago, Franklin Elementary School
students signing the poster
student who walked
student who walked
National Walk and Bike to School Day was a big success!! More pictures to come!
about 2 years ago, Franklin Elementary School
I walked mural
family walks
walking with student to school
students sign the mural
Troop 40720 made 75 lunches for Two Lunch Tuesday!
about 2 years ago, Franklin Elementary School
Two Lunch Tuesday
Looking sharp for picture day!
about 2 years ago, Franklin Elementary School
more kids!
picture day
kids in line for picture day
more kids!
Please join us for tonight's Board of Education in Cafeteria B at WHS. Meeting begins @ 6p with members moving immediately into private session. Public session resumes @ 7p. Agenda: https://bit.ly/BOEAgendas2022-23 Livestream: https://bit.ly/BOELiveStream202223
about 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Graphic  noting Board of Ed Meeting
1F and 1B took advantage of the beautiful day to go outside and be scientists. As part of their Air and Weather unit, one class was describing the weather using precise word choice while the other tested what happened when they dropped a parachute from the top of the playground equipment.
about 2 years ago, Franklin Elementary School
student writing
student with parachute
student writing
More Recess Runners!
about 2 years ago, Franklin Elementary School
recess runners
recess runners
recess runners
recess runners
Recess Runners is off to the races!!Students really enjoy running laps at recess. They count their laps by collecting popsicle sticks each time they circle the fields. Our parent volunteers help keep track of the laps from session to session and award prizes for every 10 laps. 10 laps gets a necklace with a foot. Every extra 10 laps gets another foot for the necklace until 80 laps gets them a water bottle. FYI: 80 laps is 10 miles!
about 2 years ago, Franklin Elementary School
recess runner
recess runner
recess runners
recess runners
As part of our SEL program, Responsive Classroom, we are working to help students build their self-discipline. Self discipline has a positive impact on academics but it also creates an environment where everyone is safe and able to do their best. Part of creating a positive environment is having some basic rules that everyone can follow. We also want rules to make sense. One way we accomplish this is by asking students about their Hopes and Dreams for the school year. We then work backwards and ask them what rules we need to have in our classrooms so everyone can accomplish their Hopes and Dreams. This way the rules make sense and the students helped create them which makes them easier to follow.
about 2 years ago, Franklin Elementary School
Hopes and dreams
hopes friends
hopes square roots