We are all smiles here as we celebrate kindness along with millions of others for the Great Kindness Challenge!
The most important aspect to the GKC is giving back to the community. We've partnered with two amazing organizations this year: 1st - 2nd Grade - St Hubert's Animal Welfare - we are collecting food, toys, treats, blankets, towels, collars, etc. Collection boxes will be outside the 1st and 2nd grade doors. AND 3rd - 5th Grade - A Smile on a Child's Face - Organization is in honor of a former elementary school teacher who passed away from cancer. We are collecting craft supplies for children with long term stays in RWJ Hospital.
We are kicking off the Great Kindness Challenge with our school wide assembly. Student council representatives led the program and did an outstanding job! We will be creating kindness through the week with donations, spirit days, and more!
We've been busy with assemblies!
Artists of the Month! Congratulations to Madeline, Kyle, Joey, Izzy, Shay, Cecily, Hannah, Liam, Zachary and Jack (not pictured) for being kind, caring and respectful toward others while also working hard and demonstrating excellence in their artwork.
PTO sponsored an amazing assembly: Traditions of Chinese Acrobatics! Franklin students were enthralled!
2nd grade bicycle and pedestrian safety program was presented by EZ Ride Sustainability Programs. We know safe routes to school in our community!
All Westfield Public Schools will have an EARLY DISMISSAL tomorrow (Friday), January 19, as the weather forecast predicts increasing snowfall into the afternoon. Please note the start times for Lincoln and the elementary schools in the Early Dismissal Schedule emailed to you or in the Inclement Weather Procedures on the district website under District Information.
After monitoring weather conditions overnight, all Westfield Public Schools will have a delayed opening today (Wednesday), January 17 to allow time for the DPW and our buildings and grounds crews to address icy conditions. For the delayed opening schedule, please check your email or the Inclement Weather Procedures on the district website. https://www.westfieldnjk12.org/page/inclement-weather-procedures-school-closings Please travel safely!
Outside is chilly and wet, but here at Franklin our students are enjoying their day with Readers Theater, Buddy projects, and visits to the School Store!
Nominating petitions for candidacy in the April 16, 2024 School Board Election are being accepted. The deadline to submit completed petitions is no later than 4 p.m. on Monday, February 26. Petition and more info here: https://www.westfieldnjk12.org/page/boardelectionapril2024
Due to the forecasted winter storm and the potential for icy road conditions, all Westfield Public Schools will have a delayed opening tomorrow (Tuesday), January 16, to help safeguard our students and staff during their morning commute. Please check your email or consult the Inclement Weather Procedures page on the district website for the delayed opening schedule.
All Westfield Public Schools and offices are closed on Monday, January 15, in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
January 9 was Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. Franklin 4th graders in Mrs. Billing's class wrote notes of appreciation to the Westfield Police Department, with two WPD officers paying a special visit to the classroom. One of the officers was a former student of Mrs. Billing!
Online registration for kindergarten and first grade is open for the 2024-2025 school year! Please share with your friends and neighbors in Westfield who have young learners. https://www.westfieldnjk12.org/article/1395663
Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!
More pictures!
We've had a busy October so far with the Pumpkin Fair, School Safety Week, Safety Patrol and Fire Prevention Month. Here are some pictures.
We can't wait for our fall theater productions! Mark your calendars!
Recess is a great time to connect with friends and meet new people. Students have fun doing lots of things. 4-square is very popular with the older kids, as is Gaga. Football always has a crowd--in multiple locations. Lots of students play on the playground. Today, one group told me they were playing "imaginary school." Others were hanging out under the trees on this beautiful day!
The Week of Respect!
What a beautiful fall day at Franklin! Students were wearing their grade level t-shirts or Westfield gear to show their community spirit. Food Days also started today so our 4th and 5th grade leaders, "Food Helpers", were delivering lunch to classrooms and the cafeteria.