8th grade US History students are learning the ins and outs of Congress by participating in Model Congress. They write and propose bills with the hopes of getting them passed.
16 days ago, Edison Intermediate School
students and teacher working on laptops
labeled desks
student sorting folders
students sitting at desks
students working on laptops
students and teacher working on laptops
Dating back to 1885, George Washington’s birthday was the first federal holiday honoring an individual’s birth date. In 1971, it moved to the third Monday in February, falling between Washington and Abraham Lincoln’s birthdays, inspiring the name Presidents Day. #PresidentsDay
24 days ago, Westfield Public Schools
Graphic noting Schools Closed on Presidents Day
REMINDER: The deadline to submit completed petitions for candidacy in April 15, 2025 School Board Election is 4p on Tues, Feb 25. Nominating petition updated to reflect new legislation requiring 25 signatures. https://www.westfieldnjk12.org/page/boardelectionapril2025
25 days ago, Westfield Public Schools
Graphic noting school board candidacy petitions being accepted
Check out our updated Bond + Budget portal with a robust schedule of community engagement sessions now posted. Whether in-person or remote, day or evening, there are plenty of opportunities to have your questions answered. westfieldnjk12.org/vote
26 days ago, Westfield Public Schools
Graphic notin Vote April 15
EIS students started the field hockey unit in PE. Teachers set up stations for various drills. The foam hockey sticks keeps everyone safe!
26 days ago, Edison Intermediate School
children using foam hockey sticks
children using foam hockey sticks
Through the Eyes of a Friend is a film from the theater company Living Voices that presents students with a dramatization of Anne Frank's experience during the Holocaust. 8th grade students enjoyed this performance as it connected with their interdisciplinary unit on the Holocaust.
29 days ago, Edison Intermediate School
woman speaking to audience
woman speaking to audience
Due to inclement weather forecasted overnight expected to impact travel in the AM, all Westfield Public Schools will have delayed opening tomorrow (Thurs), Feb 6. Delayed opening schedule here: https://www.westfieldnjk12.org/page/inclement-weather-procedures-school-closings
about 1 month ago, Westfield Public Schools
Graphic noting Delayed Opening, Thurs Feb 6
Mark your calendar! 📅 On February 10 at 6 p.m., experience Wild Symphony at Edison Intermediate School. Learn more, including how to get your free ticket to this magical, family-friendly event: https://www.westfieldnjk12.org/article/1997849
about 1 month ago, Westfield Public Schools
Graphic noting details of Wild Symphony
EIS 8th graders are getting introduced to WHS today! WHS counselors give them an orientation on what to expect when they arrive in the fall.
about 1 month ago, Edison Intermediate School
school auditorium
adults standing
women presenting to students
This month's school wide assembly's theme was "Decision-Making". Students participated in a trivia game and role-playing with teachers about how to think critically before making a decision. Ask your student to tell you the six steps of the decision-making process.
about 1 month ago, Edison Intermediate School
women speaking
women speaking
children posing
children posing
children posing
Edison had 7 winners for the annual MLK Poetry/Essay/Art contest. Two of the winners are pictured here with EIS art teacher, Helen Frees at the MLK Day celebration on Monday, January 20th.
about 2 months ago, Edison Intermediate School
two kids standing with adult smiling
Students played a trivia game with Ms. Wilson to display their ability to make healthy choices and take positive action when faced with difficult decisions in their everyday lives.
about 2 months ago, Edison Intermediate School
students writing at table
student talking to adult
student talking to adult
6th grade science classes had a guest presenter Mrs. Julia Higashio (Pediatric Nurse Practitioner) discuss healing vs curing and answer questions from the end of our healing unit.
about 2 months ago, Edison Intermediate School
kids in a class
December focused on wellness, with all students participating in a wellness fair organized by the Counseling and Physical Education departments, supported by 8th-grade peer leaders. Activities included board games, wellness trivia, volleyball, basketball, bracelet-making, coloring, and creating holiday cards for children in the hospital.
about 2 months ago, Edison Intermediate School
two students smiling
students smiling
kids playing basketball
kids sitting on floor
two kids playing game
students at table
Students in 6th grade science were using bubbles to study membranes. Their observations of the experiment helped them to complete models on what they learned.
3 months ago, Edison Intermediate School
students conducting an experiment
students conducting an experiment
students conducting an experiment
As part of the ‘My Identity unit,’ French 8th grade students were practicing their use of verb expressions with to have and do (avoir and faire) along with naming family members in a traditional French card game le jeux des 7 familles together in a warm classroom environment.
3 months ago, Edison Intermediate School
students speaking on a rug
students sitting at a table
students playing a game
Check out some of our Peer Leaders of the Kindness Matter-Minds Group working on a school-wide activity focusing on gratitude!
3 months ago, Edison Intermediate School
students working on a  large sheet of paper
students working on a  large sheet of paper
students working at a table
students working at a table
Congratulations to our Red Ribbon Week Poster contest winners: Lucy Parks, Emma Dushak, Nicholas Cerbo-Lioi!
4 months ago, Edison Intermediate School
children holding posters
The Westfield Public Schools and Town of Westfield are recipients of the 2024 Green Team Collaboration Award for their joint efforts in creating and promoting sustainable practices in our schools and the community. Full story: https://www.westfieldnjk12.org/article/1868555
4 months ago, Westfield Public Schools
Group photo at awards ceremony
EIS teachers find fun and creative ways to make studying fun. Here, Mrs. Semon's period 4 math class reviews for their test with a Jeopardy competition!
4 months ago, Edison Intermediate School
students sitting on floor writing
students writing at desks
students huddling at a table