Jefferson's Jaguar Jog raised more than $8,800 for Ukrainian families. Combining a favorite fitness activity with a good cause.

Field Days are a beloved annual tradition, combining fitness and fun for our elementary students.

Franklin families recently enjoyed a night out with the Somerset Patriots. Under the direction of Brent Geyer, the Glee Club sang "God Bless America" while all 5th graders sang "The Star-Spangled Banner."

Using Langston Hughes' "I Dream a World", WHS No Place for Hate members (& Jefferson alum) Olivia Berger & Gianna Puglisi encourage Jefferson 5th graders to think critically about roles they play in developing a safe & inclusive school community & culture.

Wonderful performances at the 53rd Annual All City Festival on June 1. Here are some rehearsal snapshots.

After studying 2008 Financial Crisis, students in Matthew Gironda's Math of Personal Finance class toured Wall Street, learning historical facts, visiting buildings that house today's economic giants & viewing famed “bull” statue which symbolizes concept of market optimism.

Congratulations to Christine Heisler (Roosevelt Intermediate School) and Esther Van Riper (Edison Intermediate School) who are the recipients of our 2022 Intermediate School Outstanding Teacher Awards sponsored by the Westfield Optimist Club!

Westfield Public Schools joined in the Town of Westfield’s annual Memorial Day parade. Thanks to all those who marched. Thanks to all those who cheered. Thanks to all those who gave their lives in service to our country.

RIS 6th & 7th graders perform kinesthetic version of Hindu and Buddhist Spring Renewal Festival on 5/25 as part of Social Studies Ancient Asia unit. Students also related to similar religious rituals of Judaism, Christianity & Islam as part of 6th grade curriculum.

Congrats to WHS Hi's Eye staff for another prestigious honor, receiving 1st place among high schools with similar enrollments nationwide from American Scholastic Press Assn, which scores college & high school newspapers annually on format, content, presentation & other criteria.

Enjoy the long Memorial Day weekend!

Great to see so many talented student instrumentalists and vocalists and their dedicated instructors at the May 17 Board of Education meeting! Read more in this synopsis: https://bit.ly/BOESynopsisMay172022

16 WHS student-athletes signed National Letters of Intent to compete at the college level. Congratulations to all.

Recent Field Day for kindergartners at Lincoln. Great day!

Congratulations to Sophie and Zoe Hohlfeld, winners of the Live Greener Fair Student Art Contest, sponsored by the Westfield Green Team. Sophie, a 5th grader at Washington, created "The Future is in our Hands." EIS 8th grader Zoe focused on sustainability. Well done!

Roosevelt 8th graders in Justyna Bates French classes continued a beloved tradition, recently dining at Chez Catherine in Westfield to enjoy and brush up on their knowledge of French cuisine.

Over 70 Franklin School families participated in Community Service Night with students rotating among 8 stations to create charitable items including Cards of Hope for newly diagnosed children with Type 1 Diabetes, onesies for babies in a Venezuelan orphanage, braided dog toys, sensory bracelets for children who learn differently, and much more. Thank you to the many parent volunteers, all those who donated supplies and materials, and the 5th grade ambassadors.

Lots of great districtwide activities to help spread awareness during Food Allergy Awareness Week, including t-shirt design contest, AM announcements, video links on epi-pen use, skills for safe label reading, allergy-friendly food pantry donation requests, and more.

Congratulations to Ashley Talwar and Justin Anderson for being honored today during the Union County Outstanding Scholars recognition program.