Continued & well-deserved recognition of our custodial teams and all who work over the summer to prepare for a new school year. Here are our Edison & Washington teams.

Maintaining and strengthening academic skills while having fun in our Extended School Year Program.

The work never stops at WHS!

Much hard work takes place over the summer to prepare for September. Here's a glimpse at McKinley where classrooms are dismantled, scrubbed, & returned to order; parent volunteers enlist their children in tending to school garden; & the front office keeps operations organized.

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There's a reason our schools shine so brightly each September. The summer scrubdown is well underway. Here's what it looks like at Jefferson and Tamaques.

The June edition of The NEWS Letter was emailed to the school community last Friday. In case you missed it, here's the link: https://sites.google.com/westfieldnjk12.org/thenewsletter/the-news-letter/june-2022
Have a wonderful summer!

Congrats to the WHS Class of 2022! More pics coming soon.

Congrats to the WHS Class of 2022!

Board continues tradition of recognizing student & staff achievement at 6/21 meeting. Other highlights included approval of resolution to move Board elections from November to April & final approval of CHPE curriculum. Read more: https://bit.ly/BOESynopsisJune212022

Enthusiastic welcome for WHS alum during clap out at McKinley, "Where We Grow Our Hearts and Our Minds."

Fun EOY activities, including Field Day, at Washington!

Once a Jaguar, always a Jaguar! WHS 12th graders return to their elementary alma mater for a traditional clap out at Jefferson, as they prepare to graduate from WHS. Congrats to all

Franklin 3rd graders in Mr. Pask's class enjoy posing as athletes, authors, storybook characters, et al while showcasing research & public speaking skills during annual Wax Museum.

Celebration of our WHS seniors continues! Here's what it looked like at Tamaques as the former Tigers returned for a traditional clap out.

Principal and Assistant Principal for the Day at Franklin!

WHS 12th graders return to their elementary alma maters where they are welcomed with a traditional clap out. Here's what it looked like at Franklin and Wilson.

Congratulations to our World Language students and teachers for their many recognitions! Read more: https://bit.ly/WorldLanguageHonorsJune2022

Theodore Roosevelt, Jane Goodall, Albert Einstein, & Ruth Bader Ginsberg were among the dignitaries at McKinley's Grade 4 Wax Museum, an annual favorite. Students chose a trailblazer, learned research skills, polished writing & public speaking skills.

WHS environmental science students work with Westfield Green Team to study water quality, invasive organisms, sampling & indexing during May field trip to Tamaques Park. TY to Green Team, enviro science teacher Jeff Robbins & WHS science team for hands-on learning experience.