Check your email inboxes for the November issue of The NEWS Letter. Enjoy!
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Screenshot of The NEWS Letter heading
Jefferson 1st graders are learning to use a number line to help them with addition and subtraction, while 4th graders are drafting realistic fiction stories, practicing a figurative language technique of show, not tell.
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Two Jefferson 1st graders work at their desks with number lines for addition and subtraction
Jefferson 1st grade teacher shows addition subtraction to  1s graders seated on floor
Jefferson teacher and 4th graders work on realistic fiction assignments
Jefferson 4th Grader working on realistic fiction assignment
Franklin 4th graders extended their classroom learning about rocks with a recent field trip to the Sterling Hill Mine.
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Franklin 4th graders smiles at camera while holding box of rocks
Franklin 4th grade class poses for a picture inside Sterling Mines
Franklin 4th grade class enjoys black light colors in Sterling Mine
Franklin 4th  grader wears hard hat while holding box of rocks at Sterling Mines.
Roosevelt students of French recently enjoyed croissants, almond cakes, and other breakfast delicacies, continuing a decade-long tradition by French teachers Justyna Bates and Berengere Bouvier-Carotenuto to share an authentic lesson of French cuisine with their students.
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
RIS French teachers stand in front table of breakfast items
French breakfast items on a table with an Eiffel Tower drawing
Table full of French breakfast items and students in the background enjoying the feast
Croissants, french pastries and other breakfast items on table
We are grateful to our crossing guards! Here's Mr. Tom at Tamaques.
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Tamaques student and crossing guard pose for a pic
Tuesday, December 6 is the deadline to submit an application to fill Board of Education vacancy, resulting from the recent resignation of Board member Amy Root whose unexpired term runs from January 1 - April 24, 2023. Details here:
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Graphic noting accepting applications for Board vacancy
Lincoln School is “lighting up” the winter season with kindness, celebrating the effort needed to do our best work and taking the time to compliment one another during the closing circle routine.
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Two Lincoln Kindergartners exchange kindnesses during circle time
Sign saying "write something you did today to light up these months with kindness."
Bulletin Board that says "Light Up the Season with Kindness"
Two Lincoln kindergartners exchange kind words during circle time
Franklin 5th graders recently explored red worms and their environment. The district's science curriculum provides many opportunities for teamwork, hands-on exploration and discovery.
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Franklin students do experiments with red worms
Franklin student shows red worm in hand
3 students experiment with red worms
Red worms in the dirt
Lincoln Kindergarten students use their knowledge of letter sounds to write about their weekend activities.
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Collage of three photos showing kindergarten students and teacher during writing lesson
Reading Workshop in 4th grade combines specific instruction with support for students to work independently as they read their chosen texts. Here, Mrs. Moore teaches how to go from an excerpt from a book to a "jot" about it and then finally to an analysis of why it's important.
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
McKinley 4th graders in classroom during Reading Workshop lesson
Close up of 4th grade Reading Workshop workbook
Two McKinley 4th graders collaborate on Reading Workshop assignment
WHS 11th grader Aaron Taylor was recognized by the Kean Diversity Counsel with the Joy Prescott Humanitarian Award for Student Leadership and Dedication. He was recognized at their virtual conference which he attended with other members of the No Place for Hate Committee.
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
WHS student Aaron Taylor with principal Mary Asfendis
WHS student Aaron Taylor with members of the No Place for Hate Committee
Wilson fifth grade scientists traveled to the Buehler Challenger and Science Center. While there, students worked in teams to conduct investigations and apply principles of math and science to successfully complete their missions.
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Wilson 5th graders in a simulation control center
Wilson 5th grader in front of microphone in control panel simulation
Wilson 5th grader wears lab goggles during field trip
Wilson 5th graders gives the thumbs up in front of simulation panel
Joyous signs of autumn, as Washington students enjoy the leaves, a writing assignment about being thankful, and delivering Thanksgiving baskets to the Westfield Neighborhood Council.
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Washington student holds written assignment about what she is thankful for
Washington 5th graders deliver Thanksgiving baskets
Washington students play in the leaves
Edison families generously donated non-perishables for the annual Student Government Association Thanksgiving Food Drive. SGA advisor Mr. Cusumano dropped off hundreds of pounds of donations to a local food bank. Thank you to all!
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Edison SGA students pose with donated food for Thanksgiving Food Drive
Fun fall singalongs at Washington and Jefferson!
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Jefferson 2nd graders sing during fall singalong
Solfege turkey craft
Washington 1st graders sing wearing handmade turkey hats
Two Washington teachers smile and wear turkey hats
Generous contributions from the Tamaques school community enabled the Tamaques Cares Committee to buy and box Thanksgiving meals from dinner to dessert for families in need. The Tamaques PTO also delivered pies, bread, and Philly Pretzels to Westfield first responders.
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Westfield Fire Department officials hold box of donated food, standing in front of fire truck
Bags of donated non-perishable foods, plus two turkeys, as part of Thanksgiving food drive
A successful Thanksgiving Food Drive at Jefferson, with generous families donating more than 575 non-perishable items. The Early Act Club students and advisors organized the food and prepared it for transport to the food pantry at Grace Presbyterian Church.
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
A group of Jefferson students posing for a picture during Thanksgiving Food Drive
Jefferson student smiles and holds bag during Thanksgiving Food Drive
Jefferson students sort thru boxes of donated food
Boxes of donated food
Thank you to the Westfield Education Fund for their generous donation supporting student and staff wellness and to Imagine, A Center for Coping with Loss, for facilitating the training.
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Facilitator for Imagine, A Center for Coping with Loss talks to  staff during professional development session
Photo of TV screen with presentation slide regarding pandemic losses
McKinley 5th graders get up and moving to learn Spanish with Mrs. Roig, who ties her instruction to both language and movement to help students remember each lesson.
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
McKinley Spanish teacher and 5th graders dance during lesson
McKinley Spanish teacher and 5th graders dance during lesson
McKinley Spanish teacher and 5th graders dance during lesson
Early dismissal tomorrow (Wednesday, November 23). Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
over 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Happy Thanksgiving graphic noting early dismissal and days off