Great first days for our youngest learners at Lincoln!
A special Board meeting is scheduled for Mon, Sept 11 at 6p in Room 105 at 302 Elm Street. Board will move immediately into private session; public portion will resume following the private session. The special meeting will not be livestreamed.
Students in Mr. Wiley's 7th grade science class at Edison participated in a dry ice experiment on the first day of school.
More scenes from the first day of school!
Happy First Day of School! Here are a few snapshots from Edison and McKinley with more to come.
Our staff has been busy getting ready for tomorrow's return of our students (Thursday, Sept 7)!
As we prepare to welcome back our students tomorrow (Thursday, September 7), take a look at our Spotlight on Education for excellent examples of the district's story in words, pictures, and video.
The Board held its first regular public meeting for the 2023-2024 academic year on August 29. Read more here:
Opening Day for staff! We can't wait to see our students on Thursday, September 7!
Check your email inboxes for Back-to-School edition of The NEWS Letter with lots of district updates and news. This monthly newsletter also is posted on the district website under Communications.
Welcome to our 40+ new educators who attended the first day of our New Staff Institute, a comprehensive orientation program designed to support new staff members.
First regular public Board of Education meeting for the 2023-24 academic year will be held on Tues, August 29 in Cafeteria B at WHS. Public portion of the meeting begins @ 7 p.m. Agenda: Livestream:
Lots of hard work and talent at Band Camp as the WHS Marching Band and Color Guard prepare for a new season.
Jefferson welcomed new students and families who registered over the summer, with a tour of the building and presentations by Dr. Hung, educators, and the PTO.
We're getting excited about the start of a new school year! The McKinley School community recently enjoyed a Popsicle Night and the chance to reconnect and meet Mrs. McCabe, the new principal.
A special meeting of the Board of Education is scheduled for Tuesday, August 22 at 5:30p in Room 105 at 302 Elm Street. The purpose of the meeting is to conduct a Board Retreat. The meeting will not be livestreamed and no action will be taken.
WHS MP4 Honor Rolls for 2022-2023. Congratulations to all!
More summer highlights! Our skilled maintenance team works tirelessly to ensure that our facilities are well-maintained and safe, while our secretaries perform a myriad of tasks to prepare for a new school year.
District administrators wrapped up a productive three-day leadership retreat, participating in large and small group sessions to plan for the 2023-2024 school year and beyond. A special thanks to Kean University for hosting us!
Lots of learning taking place this summer!