As the summer begins to wind down, we are looking forward to an exciting year at Westfield High School.  As a school community, we have learned a great deal over the past 3 years and we look forward to taking the lessons learned through the challenges to improve our school and our practices.  As always, the website is your main source of information about all things Westfield High School and you will note that we have updated our school and district websites to be more user friendly.

We solicited and received a great deal of feedback from which we plan to make a number of exciting changes this year.  First and foremost, clear and consistent communication was a topic discussed throughout the pandemic.  To further open the door of communication between administration and students, we have formed a Student Representative Committee in which a group of students and the principal will work together on issues of concern to the student body.  To help keep parents and the community informed of school activities and programs, we will be sending a regular newsletter to share our achievements, highlight exciting programs and promote upcoming events.

To help students and families get acclimated to the new school year and resume many of our past practices and procedures, we have a number of orientation events and activities for students and parents of all grade levels.  Our Freshman/New Student Orientation will take place on September 6 at 11:30 am in the gymnasium.  Students will hear from the Student Council and administration, tour our school and receive their district issued ID cards and Chromebooks.  Our virtual Freshman Parent Orientation will take place at 6:00 pm on September 8.  During the week of September 12, Start Strong Testing will take place and we will have class meetings to review our Student Handbook and discuss the year ahead.   We look forward to supporting students as they return to school this year.  

More specific information about the start of school and reminders will follow in our first newsletter but there are a few important dates to know.  Student schedules will be available on the parent portal on August 29 at 3:00 pm. Please mark your calendars for the week of September 12 as we will have a delayed start that week for Start Strong Testing.  Details of the testing are still being finalized, we will provide you with further details and testing schedule on September 1.  

 I am enthusiastically looking forward to welcoming your children back to the halls of Westfield High School and working in partnership with you for a safe and successful school year. 


Mary Asfendis
