Roosevelt Intermediate School

Message From Mr. Gechtman

On Tuesday our 8th grade Peer Leadership group received leadership training from the company Out on a Limb. The students engaged in a series of fun team building and conflict resolution strategies throughout the day. After this training, our Peer Leaders are now fully equipped to work with students in sixth and seventh grade over the course of the year during Advisory lessons, Mix-it-Up Day, and orientations for new students to Roosevelt. 

Halloween is a fun day at Roosevelt School where students participate fully in all of their classes, but do so dressed in costume. We do ask that students not wear any Halloween masks that will affect their vision and masks should not be worn during class time. Moreover, students are not permitted to bring any costume weapons with them to school. 

This week during all three lunch periods, we reminded our students to check the Lost and Found. The Lost and Found table located in the cafeteria has significantly grown over the past few weeks. If your child lost a water bottle, lunch box, sweatshirt, or jacket, please encourage them to check our Lost and Found.

Upcoming Dates & Events -

  • BNL School Picture Packets will be distributed in Homeroom - Monday, October 17th 

  • 6th Grade Halloween Party - Friday, October 28th 7:00pm-9:00pm

  • Halloween - Monday, October 31st 

  • Fall Drama Performances - November 3 - November 5

Additional information can be found on our RIS Morning Announcements page.

Curriculum in Focus -


6th Grade

  • Students are completing computation with rational numbers, specifically operations with fractions and decimals. They will apply their understanding to solve real-world applications and a virtual escape room.

7th Grade 


  • In Pre-Algebra students are identifying the parts of an expression, writing, and simplifying algebraic expressions.

Math 7

  • In Math 7 students are working on computation with rational numbers and applications for the use of rational numbers.

8th Grade

Algebra I

  • In Algebra 1, students are building upon their previous knowledge of inequalities.  Multi-step and compound inequalities including absolute value inequalities, “and” vs. “or” situations are emphasized in 8th grade.  Students will be able to graph linear inequalities and start establishing how the number of solutions to an inequality varies between different types of problems.  

Math 8

  • In Math 8, students are developing their understanding of the coordinate plane and the concept of congruence by transforming figures.  One type of transformation includes translations, reflections, and rotations.  Additionally, the concept of similarity is explored through another type of transformation: dilations.  Students will fine-tune their graphing skills in this unit.  

Message From the RIS Main Office:

As the weather has started to change and we begin to prepare for winter months, we wanted to take a moment to share the times students can enter the building.

  • As reflected in our daily schedule, our doors open each morning at the 8:07 bell. Students wait outside in their respective areas.

    • 6th Grade will assemble at the front of the building on Clark Street and use the main entrance and breezeway doors (next to the bike rack).

    • 7th Grade will assemble at the rear of the building (Clark Park) and use the back of the cafeteria doors to enter.

    • 8th Grade will assemble at the side of the building (Tuttle Parkway) and enter through the door by Mr. Brunson’s office.

  • On bad weather days; rain, snow, temperatures well below freezing, we will open the aforementioned doors at 8:00 am. 

    • 6th Grade students will report to the auditorium and wait for the 8:07 bell.

    • 7th Grade students will remain in the cafeteria and wait for the 8:07 bell.

    • 8th Grade students will line-up and wait in the hallway outside their first period class.

  • Regardless of the weather, if a student has made arrangements with their teacher for morning help, the student can ring the front bell at the agreed upon time. Our main office secretary will buzz them in via the front door once we’ve confirmed the teacher is in their classroom.

Important Information from the RIS PTSO - 

Please use the link below for our weekly RIS SHOUT newsletter: