Message From Mr. Gechtman
The students and faculty of Roosevelt School truly demonstrated their commitment to creating a school culture that is rooted in respect and acceptance this week during our annual Week of Respect. Throughout the week students engaged in a series of activities and challenges such as: wear a sports jersey to show that we are all part of the same team at Roosevelt, attend grade level meetings to share the importance of being an Upstander (each month Roosevelt School recognizes our Upstanders), and wear blue to stomp out bullying. I couldn’t be prouder of the way our students and staff came together this week in recognition of the Week of Respect.
Since September 15th a number of teachers have engaged students in lessons regarding the important contributions, cultures, and histories of Hispanic and LatinX Americans. Our World Language classes have studied influential Hispanic Americans to learn about their impact on culture and community.
Upcoming Dates & Events -
School Closed - October 10th in observance of Columbus Day
Fall Play Rehearsals are taking place after school
Interim Reports Issued through Genesis - October 13th
Walk to School Day - October 19th
6th Grade Halloween Party - Friday, October 28th 7:00pm-9:00pm
Halloween - Monday, October 31st
Fall Drama Performances - November 3 - November 5
Additional information can be found on our RIS Morning Announcements page.
Curriculum in Focus -
Practical Arts -
Students enrolled in Technology Engineering and Design classes have been working on a variety of different topics for the past couple of weeks.
6th Grade
Biomedical Engineering: Students looking at how prosthetics work and breaking the concept down into its simplest form to create our own "robotic" hands out of recyclable materials.
7th Grade
Green & Mechanical Engineering: Students are creating a toy race car out of recycled materials and investigating the advantages and disadvantages of various recycled materials for their car designs.
8th Grade
Graphic Design: Students are developing an original board game from instructions to the design of the board. Students will use the laser engraver and the 3D printer to make their game board/pieces.
Message From the RIS Main Office:
RIS Parents / Guardians, please see the notes below in reference to students leaving early and dropping items off during the school day:
If your child will need to leave school early for a doctor's appointment, please send a note to school with your child the day before the doctor visit, or call the school before 7:30am on the day of the visit.
Please have your child bring a doctor's note to school after a doctor's appointment, so that your child's absence can be marked as an excused absence.
All Westfield Schools utilize an outdoor Dropbox for items students left home (including books, notebooks, and lunches).
Items are picked up prior to each lunch period and students are called down to the main office during the changing of classes.
Please don't leave laptops, phones, or instruments in the outdoor drop box. Please buzz the main office so that someone can come pick up these valuable items.
Here at Roosevelt, Mrs. Aloi, Mrs. Composto, and Mrs. Quinones are our warm and friendly main office secretaries and can be reached via email at:
Mrs. Quinones: - Mr. Gechtman’s Assistant
Mrs. Aloi: - Main Office & Mr. Brunson’s Assistant
Mrs. Composto: - Counseling Office Assistant
We are here as a resource for your child(ren) and our community. Please reach out with any questions or concerns!
Important Information from the RIS PTSO -
Please use the link below for our weekly RIS SHOUT newsletter: