Message From Mr. Gechtman
Our students have done an excellent job of getting acclimated with the cafeteria, we recently introduced additional extra help sessions during lunch. At the start of each lunch period, based on our rotating schedule, students can ask permission to leave the cafeteria for extra help in the subject offered. During this extra help session, students can gain additional support on previously taught lessons.
RIS also offers a Homework Club on Mondays-Thursdays in our Media Center from 2:50-3:30pm. Our Homework Club offers students the opportunity to get a head start on their homework, or ask for assistance from one of our certified teachers.
Additionally, the Westfield High Police Athletic League Tutoring program is ready to begin its 2022-23 school year. PAL Tutoring is a grant-funded program that offers students from WHS, RIS and EIS the chance to access free weekly tutoring from National Honor Society volunteers, while also enjoying free pizza and connections with peers. PAL Tutoring will start on Wednesday, September 28, and each week’s session will run from 3:30-5:30 in the Westfield High School Student Center. Students from RIS and EIS should buzz in at the front entrance by 4 p.m., and a secretary will direct them to the Student Center. If you have any questions, please reach out to Warren Hynes, WHS assistant principal, at
Tech Department Information
This week’s Start Strong Assessments went off without a hitch. I believe that the vast majority of our students found it easy to access this week’s assessments with updated Chromebooks. While all student issued Chromebooks are either brand new or less than one year old, as we all know, even new devices can experience technical difficulty at times. Should your child need some form of tech support please read the following message from our tech department.
A student issue should be reported to the email account by the student/parent if it is one of the following:
The Chromebook is damaged (broken screen, missing keys, charger not working, etc.)
They lost or were never assigned a Chromebook
They lost or were never given a charger
Slow or glitchy, has touchpad issues, keys not working properly
Student's can be sent to the building ITS (Mrs. Lynn in the media center) for the following issues:
No wireless connection
Forgot to charge their Chromebook
Left their device at home and/or is in need of a loaner Chromebook for the day
Upcoming Dates & Events -
School Closed - September 26th & 27th in observance of Rosh Hashanah
Makeup Start Strong Assessments - Wednesday, September 28 - Friday, September 30
PTSO Club Fair - Thursday, September 29th - Clark Park 3:00-3:20pm
Additional information can be found on our RIS Morning Announcements page.
Curriculum in Focus -
Science -
6th Grade
Students are participating in a STEM name tag challenge. They will follow specific criteria to design and build name tags that will introduce them to engineering as well as help them to get to know each other.
7th Grade
Students are investigating bath bombs. They are making observations, sharing ideas, and asking questions like real scientists.
8th Grade
Students kicked off the school year by collecting and analyzing data. Our first unit in 8th grade Science focuses on contact forces. Our unit phenomenon brings up the topic of collisions, specifically when we drop our phone. Students will continue to explore why certain objects break when they come into contact with another object and why some objects remain unharmed.
Important Information from the RIS PTSO -
Please use the link below for our weekly RIS SHOUT newsletter: