Message From Mr. Gechtman
We had an amazing first week at Roosevelt School! Mr. Brunson and I spent most of our day walking around the hallways and popping into various classrooms. To say our students were actively engaged in each of their classes is an understatement. Teachers spent the first part of each period reviewing classroom expectations and norms. Our students' smiles heading from class to class, as well as their friendly conversations during lunch, reinforced what a great opening week we had.
On Monday, September 12th, Mr. Brunson and your child’s counselor will hold Grade Level Meetings to review our school expectations. During this time they will share the importance of consistent attendance, value of being on time to school and class, as well as review our three school rules:
Take Care of Yourself, Take Care of Each Other, and Take Care of our School
I am looking forward to another great week.
Upcoming Dates & Events -
PTSO Welcome Back Coffee - Friday, September 16th - RIS Courtyard 9:30-10:30am
Picture Day - Tuesday, September 20th - The link for ordering will be emailed on Monday
Start Strong Assessment - Tuesday, September 20 - Thursday, September 22
School Closed - September 26th & 27th - Rosh Hashanah
PTSO Club Fair - Thursday, September 29th - Clark Park immediately after school (usually runs until 3:20pm)
Curriculum in Focus - Social Studies
On Friday, September 9th, Roosevelt Intermediate School recognized Patriot Day with various age-appropriate learning opportunities. At the eighth grade level, students focused on increasing their knowledge and understanding of both the short and long term effects the events of 9/11 had on people living in New York City and on the country as a whole. As one student reflected, “9/11 can be looked at as one of the worst days in U.S. History. But it can also be looked at as the day people came together.” The 9/11 Memorial & Museum is committed to providing ongoing resources for students, teachers, families, and the general public. Click here to access the source: National September 11 Memorial & Museum
Message from our Health Office:
Welcome back and we hope that everyone has had a great start to the 2022-2023 school year! We have seen many smiles and enthusiasm in the classrooms and halls and hope that you have heard some positive feedback regarding the school day at home as well!
We wanted to share some information regarding the health office procedures and the links for all health forms if needed.
All health related forms and information are found on this link:
Any medication (even over the counter medications) must have a completed medication authorization form in order to be administered at school. Medication at school may only be administered by a parent/guardian or school nurse. If your child requires medication, and you were not able to make it during the scheduled drop off times please email/ call to arrange an alternate time. Asthma action plans, Food Allergy Action plans (and additional forms) and standard medication form are in the link above.
If a student is not feeling well, they would come to the health office to be evaluated and you would then receive a call from us if needed. If they are not feeling well enough to remain in school, they would then be picked up by a parent/guardian or an authorized person after being signed out from the health office. Students should not be contacting you via their cell phones.
For our 6th grade parents, if you have not already done so please submit your updated forms regarding the Tdap and Meningococcal Vaccines that are needed for entry into the 6th grade. If you have not provided your child(s) updated record please send it in with your child as soon as possible. Thank you if you have already submitted the forms. If your child is still in need of their immunizations please provide us with your appointment time and location.
We are here as a resource for your child(ren) and our community. Please reach out with any questions or concerns!
Here at Roosevelt, Mrs. Rivera is currently in the health office and can be reached via email at and Mrs. DeSousa can be reached at
Important Information from the RIS PTSO -
Moving forward, I will provide a link to our weekly RIS SHOUT. This newsletter will share information on community events, as well as PTSO sponsored pretzel sales, Two Lunch Tuesdays, and other school functions.