Student emerges from mock voting booth

Whether casting their vote on extra recess or special themed days with a movie, games, wearing pajamas or a crazy hairstyle, elementary students across the Westfield Public School District participated in mock elections in early November.

With classrooms or other spaces converted into polling stations - complete with registration check-in, voting booths, and ballot boxes - the mock elections provided a hands-on civics lesson, allowing young students to experience the electoral process first-hand.

“I think voting is important because everyone deserves to have their voices heard,” a Tamaques 5th grader remarked. “The mock election was great because it gave us a chance to feel what voting is like.”

Franklin student places ballot in ballot boxFranklin student places ballot in ballot boxTeachers and parents pose for picture during mock electionFour McKinley students next to Vote Here signStudent gives thumbs up behind mock Voting BoothStudent wearing American flag sunglassesStudent holds up Election Day projectStudents hold up Election day projectParents pose for picture behind mock ballot boxParent volunteer gives "I voted" sticker to student, next to ballot box