Week of Respect, week of October 2 - New Jersey's Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act designates the week of the first Monday in October each year as a “Week of Respect.” School districts across the state observe the week by providing age-appropriate instruction focusing on kindness and respect for others, ourselves, and our community. Our philosophy at the Lincoln Early Childhood Center is that respect should be something we practice daily. For this reason, we have chosen to make this week the “Week of Extra Respect” as we will be focusing extra attention on the importance of showing respect to our peers, teachers, parents, community, environment, and ourselves.
Students will be engaged in many exciting activities and lessons focused on the theme of respect and kindness. Throughout the week, students will be encouraged to reflect on what respect means to them and different ways we can show respect to others. We will continue to support students in learning to be safe, kind, and responsible throughout the school year!