Tonight's chorus performance is spectacular!
The Fifth Grade Chorus had a wonderful performance this afternoon!
The Fifth Grade Chorus had a wonderful performance this afternoon!
The Franklin PTO helped us out with our 1st grade Orientation and Ice Cream Social. It was great to welcome new students and their families to our school!
The PTO held a general meeting today to elect a new Board and invited Westfield's Director of Counseling Falynn Balassone to give a talk about the NJ bullying law and school policies we have to be proactive about preventing bullying.
The Habitat Garden had been busy with plantings and decorating pots with flowers to take home!
GS Troop 40450 researched about the importance of pollinators and then installed garden plants to help attract pollinators. They then gave a presentation of their work to the Habitat Garden Club. Thank you Troop 40450!!
3rd grade visited Ellis Island today! Happy to report all were "admitted" and none were "deported"!
Mr. Staluppi and the Fifth Grade Band had an amazing performance tonight! Let's Go Band!!!
Fifth Grade Orchestra under the direction of Mr. Freeman had a wonderful evening performance! Bravo!
Wellness breaks are a great investment in the general well-being of students (and other humans). They make us feel good and then we are more prepared to make the most of the hard challenges of learning that take place everyday. Taking a short outdoor break, walking down the hall to the water fountain, using our sensory hallway (with hopscotch and balance activities)for a few minutes and coloring are just a few things we encourage. Last week our 5th graders took a break to color and visit with three therapy dogs, named Lu Lu, Skipper and Kieffer. What a hit this was! We are scheduling more visits from the dogs! Thank you to Mrs. Turi and Mrs. Pepe for making this happen.
WHS, Westfield Memorial Library, and Kean University's HRC are hosting an important community event on May 6 at the library to commemorate Holocaust Remembrance Day. Learn more: LiveStream:
Fifth grade students Exploravision Teams shared their innovations with the school! Wouldn't you love one of these: a robot, waste to energy steam generator machine, or biodegradable plastic?!?
3JP put on a theatrical extravaganza for their parents, Charlotte's Web! 5th graders have been sharing their Exploravision contest Honorable Mention projects with the school.
What a show! The floor and balcony were packed with parents, grand parents, former Franklin students and future Franklin students! Our 4th graders put on quite a show! Congrats to them and Mr. Freeman and Mr. Staluppi!
The instruments wait quietly for the Beginner Band Concert to begin. The crowd waits outside for what will be a packed house!
The Board held its reorganization meeting last night. Following the swearing in of Leila Morrelli, Sonal Patel, and Julie Steinberg, Board members elected Robert Benacchio as Board President and Sonal Patel as Board Vice President. Congratulations to all!
We celebrated Arbor Day! Our amazing Habitat Garden PTO Committee helped us win a grant for a tree. The township helped us plant it and the Mayor stopped by!
So many good things happened this week! We appreciated our amazing crossing guards at the annual breakfast! Therapy dogs showed us how to relax like it's our job, ukuleles arrived for our music program and Project Playground is heating up! Keep those donations coming!! Take a look!
Kudos to student artists whose work has been selected in the district's Earth Day Poster Contest. Thank you to all who submitted an entry. The featured posters, along with all of the submissions, are available here: