The Edison Update
Message from Dr. Bolton -
We had a fantastic first week at Edison Intermediate School! It was wonderful to once again see students filling our hallways and classrooms. Throughout this first week of school teachers, counselors, paraprofessionals, nurses, and administrators worked with students to develop relationships and establish clear expectations for student success. Early next week, Mrs. Schall and I will be meeting with each grade level of students to review our school-wide expectations and norms of behavior. In these grade level meetings, students will hear about the importance of consistent attendance, the value of being on time to school and class each day, and the three broad rules that govern all of our interactions at Edison Intermediate School: Take Care of Yourself, Take Care of Each Other, and Take Care of This School. I am looking forward to another great week of learning with students next week.
Upcoming Dates & Events -
Club Fair - Thursday, September 15th @ 3pm in the front of the school
Fall Drama Interest Meeting - Thursday, September 15th after the Club Fair in EIS Auditorium
Start Strong Assessments - Tuesday, September 20th - Thursday, September 22nd (more information will be emailed shortly regarding these assessments)
Curriculum in Focus -
Social Studies in Focus:
Today, Edison School Social Studies teachers devoted Friday’s lessons to recognizing Patriot Day. Teachers facilitated lessons that taught their students about the tragic events and heroic actions that occurred on September 11th 2001 and in the many days, weeks, and months that followed.
Below, Mrs. Keller describes what her 7th grade social studies students experienced in class today:
Today in Social Studies class we observed Patriot Day. We focused in 7th grade Social Studies on what it means to be a hero, and we asked students to give some examples of heroes. We examined the history of September 11, 2001 through the examination of artifacts that tell us the story of that day. We viewed a video narrated by the Chief Curator of the 9/11 Museum in New York, Ms. Ramirez showed many of the artifacts that can be found in the museum and the human story behind them.
A Message from the Health Office
Welcome back and we hope that everyone has had a great start to the 2022-2023 school year! We have seen many smiles and enthusiasm in the classrooms and halls and hope that you have heard some positive feedback regarding the school day at home as well!
We wanted to share some information regarding the health office procedures and the links for all health forms if needed.
All health related forms and information are found on this link:
Any medication (even over the counter medications) must have a completed medication authorization form in order to be administered at school. Medication at school may only be administered by a parent/guardian or school nurse. If your child requires medication, and you were not able to make it during the scheduled drop off times please email/ call to arrange an alternate time. Asthma action plans, Food Allergy Action plans (and additional forms) and standard medication form are in the link above.
If a student is not feeling well, they would come to the health office to be evaluated and you would then receive a call from us if needed. If they are not feeling well enough to remain in school, they would then be dismissed by a parent/guardian or an authorized person after being signed out from the health office. Students should not be contacting you via their phones, and you would be alerted from the health office.
For our 6th grade parents, if you have not already done so please submit your updated forms regarding the Tdap and Meningococcal Vaccines that are needed for entry into the 6th grade. We have received many updated records, however if you have not provided your child(s) updated record please send it in the form with your child as soon as possible. Thank you if you have already submitted the forms. If your child is still in need of their immunizations please provide us with your appointment time and location.
We are here as a resource for your child(ren) and our community. Please reach out with any questions or concerns!
We can be reached at for Mrs. Kelly RN or fro Mrs. Fico RN
Information from the EIS PTSO -
In the coming weeks, you will find a link to the Edison School PTSO Newsletter, The Edison Flash, in this section. This newsletter will contain important updates and community news from the Edison PTSO.