Minding Your Mind is an organization dedicated to educating students about the importance of developing positive coping skills for managing mental health challenges. During Suicide Awareness Month, Colin visited Edison to share how asking for help transformed his life.
Schools will be closed this Thursday and Friday, October 3 and 4, in observance of Rosh Hashanah. Warm wishes to those celebrating the Jewish New Year. May this time of reflection and renewal bring peace and prosperity in the year ahead.
At Edison, Mr. Varhley and Ms. Iannacone guided students through self-assessing their own work using a document analysis reflection. Students determined their own grades based on effort and accuracy.
"Classroom libraries are an essential component of our students daily literacy block," says Tamaques principal David Duelks . Here, 4th grade learners were excited to "book shop" as they begin to build their individual book bins.
Gumdrop geometry at WHS, as students collaborate to build 3-dimensional models. This engaging activity allowed students to visualize important geometric concepts such as points, lines, and planes while fostering communication, collaboration, and leadership skills.
Third graders created ART-rageous Hats in Ms. Ciaramella's class at Tamaques.
Celebrating the International Day of Peace at Jefferson to foster positive connections. Thank you to school counselor Ms. Saliceti for organizing this fun and meaningful event.
Franklin art teacher Mrs. Davenport combines the schools' theme -- "Kindness Starts With Me" -- with "International Dot Day," a celebration of art and creativity.
After learning about mass, volume, and density, WHS Earth Science students made predictions, followed procedures, and recorded relative density data. Students were able to apply course knowledge to everyday experiences and gained a better understanding of the world around them.
Our Kindergarteners are off to an amazing start. "Just like in 'Pigeon Goes to School', they're meeting new friends and exploring their classrooms," says Lincoln principal Dr. Tiffany Jacobson. "They’re learning, growing, and having fun every day."
Each morning, Wilson 2nd graders in Mrs. Sapuppo's class dive into their journals to respond to thought-provoking prompts. "On Free-Write Fridays, the sky's the limit," says Wilson principal Crystal Marsh. "They get to explore and write about any topic that inspires them!
Have you had a chance to check out the new Athletics Department website? Click on the "Athletics" quick link in the upper right corner of the district or WHS homepage to find the new site with easy-to-navigate buttons and links to important information and documents.
Washington first graders recently learned how to log into their Chromebooks with their usernames and passwords.
We are fortunate to have community partners who support our students in many ways. Shout out to Project Playground organizers and the Westfield Foundation for its recent generous donation to help in the fundraising effort to add accessible playground equipment at Franklin.
From September 15 to October 15, we celebrate the rich cultural heritage, diverse traditions, and invaluable contributions of Hispanic and Latino Americans to our nation. We honor the resilience, creativity, and vibrant spirit of Hispanic communities that have shaped and continue to enrich our society in countless ways. #WPSCelebratesDiversity
The Board of Education will meet on Tuesday, September 17 in WHS Cafeteria B at 7 p.m. Agendas: https://bit.ly/BOEAgendas2024-2025. Live Stream/Recordings: https://bit.ly/BOE-Meetings2024-25
First graders at McKinley play "Penny Dice" to practice number sense and counting skills.
EIS Principal Mrs. Schall joined Mrs. Meade's 8th grade journalism class to play a get-to-know-you game. Students were surprised to learn that Mrs. Schall gets nervous when she has to speak in public.
Our Kindergarteners start the day off right with warm smiles and friendly greetings during Morning Meeting, this one held outdoors. "It’s wonderful to see them building strong connections and practicing kindness every day," says principal Dr. Tiffany Jacobson.
A day of remembrance on Patriot Day at Jefferson.