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Morning meeting activities, a recent Spanish lesson, and lots of smiles at Franklin!
The Golden Pass is back! Learn more about how Westfield residents 65 and older may attend many WHS events for free. Please share the news with your friends and neighbors.
The school year is off to a great start. Here's what it looked like last week at McKinley with some dancing in the hallway during AM announcements, getting-to-know-you experiences, and 1st and 5th grade "buddy" activities.
Welcome Back!
Strategic planning and district / Board goals for the 2022-2023 school year were among the topics at the August 30 Board of Education meeting. Read more in this synopsis:
Lots of professional learning and other preparations for a new school year. We're ready for our students tomorrow!
A full day of professional development sessions as our teachers and staff prepare to welcome back students tomorrow (Wednesday), September 7.
Congratulations to WHS 12th grader Ryan Williamson who will perform with the NAfME National Choir in November!
The Back-to-School issue of The NEWS Letter is in email inboxes. In case you missed it, it is also posted on the district website under District Information:
New students at Jefferson enjoyed a scavenger hunt this week, a fun way to explore and learn about their new school.
Opening Day for staff! Superintendent Dr. Raymond González, Board President Brendan Galligan, and WEA President Kim Dickey were on hand to welcome all back. Great to see everyone eager and ready for the first day of school on September 7.
Board of Education meeting on Tues, Aug 30 in Cafe B at WHS. Meeting begins at 6p with Board members moving immediately into private session. Public portion of meeting will resume at 7p Agenda: Livestream:
We are excited for the new school year! Orientation is underway for our incoming 1st graders and other students and their families, transitioning to a new school.
Gearing up for the start of a new school with WHS Marching Band Camp!
WHS Class of 2022 graduate Isabella Lagatta is the recipient of the McKinley Elementary PTO Scholarship, made possible by McKinley parents & PTO fundraising. It is awarded each year to a McKinley alum who continues to live the school's motto to "Grow our Hearts and our Minds."
In its 20th year, the Extended School Year Program helps students strengthen and maintain academic skills for the coming school year. Here's what the engaging program looked like this summer:
Hands-on, problem-based learning at STEM Camp!
The summer scrubdown is no small undertaking. With great appreciation, here is our Roosevelt custodial crew.
A new K-12 Director of Counseling and generous donations from our community partners were among the highlights at a special Board of Education meeting on July 25. Here's a synopsis: