In recognition of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, students across the school district participated in a series of impactful classroom and schoolwide experiences.
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
RIS students listen to solo performer on stage with picture of Anne Frank on screen
Holocaust survivor Eva Wiener shares her story with 7th graders via  a Live Stream into the classrooms.
Congratulations to our intermediate school student musicians, selected to perform with Central Jersey region band and orchestra ensembles in March!
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Clipa rt that says "Yay!"
Many of our students are enjoying a visit to "African American History in Westfield from 1720," a pop-up museum at the Rialto Theater curated by the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Association of Westfield. Stay tuned for more information and photos!
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Student sits cross legged on the floor looking up at exhibit
Two 4th grade boys examine an exhibit
Two  7th grade boys study an exhibit with clipboard in hand
Lottery Registration for the Westfield STEM Camp 2023 opens Friday, February 10 and closes Friday, February 17. This popular summer camp is for students entering Grades 3-8. All information, including how to register, at
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Graphic noting  opening of registration for Summer STEM Camp
4th grader Sydney Lupkin and 12th grader Cole Epstein were among finalists in Palooza contest by WHS Dream Team/Westfield Municipal Alliance, w/ support of Albert Anthony Kayal Foundation & Matthew Thomas Toriello Memorial Fund. Theme: "Healthy Choices, Everyday Choices."
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Group photo of winners of the  annual Palooza contest
Interested in sharing your college or career experience with our WHS students? Check out the Blue Devil Community Network. We look forward to hearing from you!
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Colorful graphic stating "Blue Devil Community Network"
The 2023-2024 School Budget and April 25 Budget Vote will be among the presentations at the BOE meeting on Tuesday, February 7 at 7 p.m. in Cafeteria B at WHS. Agenda: Livestream:
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Graphic noting BOE Meeting on February 7, 2023
Jefferson 4th graders enjoy their quiet reading time.
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Three Jefferson 4th grade boys sit on floor and read
A group of 4th grade girls at Jefferson sit in a group to read
Two 4th grade boys stretch out on floor to read while another boy sits crosslegged while reading
Two  Jefferson 4th graders sit side by side at desks to read
McKinley 5th graders in Ms. Sarnowski’s art class have been learning different clay techniques, including slab and coil, while incorporating many aspects of nature in their 3-D miniature landscapes. Next they added color to their beautiful landscapes.
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
McKinley 5th grade girl paints clay project in art
Three McKinley 5th graders smile for the camera as they paint clay landscapes in art
Two McKinley 5th grade boys paint clay landscapes in art
It was a feast for the senses as students and their families celebrated the 1st Annual Multicultural Festival at Tamaques on January 25. With 16 countries represented, there was much to learn about different cultures and traditions.
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Tamaques parents dressed in traditional Indian attire
Tamaques grandparent and grandson stand with Italy display at multicultural festival
Mother and daughter smile  at multicultural festival. daughter holds "passport"
4 Tamaques boys hold "passports" and smile for camera at multicultural festival
Outdoor play develops gross motor skills and fosters socialization. These Pre-K students are having a terrific time!
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Photo collage of 4 pre-K students on the swings and slides
You'll find information about the 2023-2024 budget and April budget vote, along with a Strategic Plan update, curriculum content-area news, Board election petitions, and more in the January issue of The NEWS Letter.
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Screenshot of title heading of The NEWS Letter
Students in Ms. Guerra's class at Wilson learned about Native Americans in the Eastern Region of the United States during social studies.
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Wilson students sit at desk working on paper assignment
Back of student sitting at desk working on paper assignment
Edison 6th graders in Mrs. Fahy's Computer Technology class work to finalize their projects. Throughout this marking period cycle course, students learned various software applications while creating and advertising a small business plan.
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Two  Edison 6th graders sit in front of computer and smile for camera
Edison Computer Tech teacher points to an image on the projector screen
Image on the projector screen
Edison 6th grader smiles for the camera while sitting at his computer
The Westfield High School counseling team traveled to Edison and Roosevelt Intermediate Schools to give 8th graders an idea of what they need to know as they prepare to move on to 9th grade in September.
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Edison principal speaks to 8th graders in auditorium with  screen behind him that says "Welcome to WHS's 8th Grade Student Orientation"
Friday was International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Holocaust survivor Eva Wiener shared her story with EIS 7th social studies classes, recounting her family's desperate attempt to flee Nazi Germany in May 1939. More on her harrowing journey and others to come.
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Holocaust survivor Eva Wiener shares her story with 8th graders via  a Live Stream into the classrooms.
Congratulations to our 4 WHS student musicians who will perform with the All-State Band in February!
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
4 WHS student musicians pose for picture after being selected to perform with All-State Band
Our elementary school "Wax Museums" are always educational and great fun as students choose a famous person to research and provide a written and oral presentation while dressing the part. Here are Wilson 5th graders.
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Wilson 5th grader as Sally Ride
Wilson 5th grader as Steve Jobs
Wilson 5th grader as Amelia Earhart
Group photo of 5th graders dressed as their "Wax Museum" famous person
Washington staff spend their lunch time practicing for the 76th Annual Washington School Show this weekend. It's not too late to get your tickets --
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Washington principal and staff practice dance for annual school show
Save the Dates for Westfield STEM Camp 2023. Registration will be in mid-February for this popular summer camp. Stay tuned!
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Flyer with details of Summer STEM Camp 2023