Franklin 2nd graders participate in “China Day,” an annual tradition that promotes the learning of Chinese language, history, and culture as part of a districtwide 2nd grade unit on cultural diversity.
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Student class does Chinese exercise
Close up of student hand writing Chinese letters
Students work at desk on watercolor paintings of dragon
Student watercolor paintings of Chinese dragon
Artifacts displayed for Franklin's "China Day"
April is Autism Awareness Month and, to help further awareness, the McKinley school community cheered as the staff played each other in an invigorating game of kickball! Thank you to behavior analyst Jessica MacDougall and all who helped to organize this great event.
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
McKinley principal, staff, and a student pose for picture in front of PA system
McKinley staff warm up for kickball game
McKinley head custodian operates small bullhorn
McKinley staff pose for picture before kickball game
McKinley staff wearing kickball tee-shirts, pose for a picture
McKinley staff pose for picture before kickball game
Two McKinley students pose for picture while watching kickball game
Congratulations to RIS 6th grader Griffin Simon for earning 1st place across 7 central New Jersey counties in the NJ Council for the Social Studies Student Recognition Awards. The award recognizes engagement and excellence in Social Studies. Well done, Griffin!
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
RIS 6th grader holds social studies certificate and plaque in photo with SS teacher Jim Lane and RIS asst principal Keith Brunson
Recognition of our amazing Winter athletic teams, an overview of budget community engagement, and a resolution to seek "The Soldier's Medal" for the late Dr. Derrick Nelson were among the highlights at the April 20 Board Meeting.
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Girls Swimming Team pose with certificates on stage with coach, Board president, and superintendent
To celebrate Earth Day, the Westfield Public School District’s Green Team held a poster contest for students in grades 6-12. Find out more here:
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Photo of WHS winners of Earth Day Poster Contest
Photo of RIS winner of Earth Day Poster Contest
Photo of EIS winner of Earth Day Poster Contest
Congratulations to Jacqueline Spring, appointed as Edison's new assistant principal, effective July 1.
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Photo of Jacqueline Spring
it was great to welcome the Winter Boys T&F and Girls and Boys Swimming teams to last night's Board meeting to recognize them for their phenomenal seasons!
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
State champions Boys Swimming on stage posing for picture
Sectional champs Girls Swimming team on stage posing for picture
State champs Boys Winter T&F field on stage at Board meeting posing for picture
Budget Vote/Board Election next Tuesday, April 25! Lots of info on April Budget Vote website portal and under "Board Election" on website's Board tab. Please remember to vote; polls open from 7a to 8p.
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
2023-2024 Budget Snapshot Infographic
Using math to learn music during a fun assembly at Jefferson. "Number Drummer" founder Mr. Troy explained how math helped him to achieve his desire to play an instrument from a young age. Special thanks to the Jefferson PTO for sponsoring this enriching experience.
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Drummer on stage with drumsticks, students on floor holding up drumsticks
Students sit on gym floor with drumsticks and trashcan "drums"
Drummer on stage with drum for drummer assembly
Jefferson students use trashcan lids during drummer assembly
Three teachers with trashcan drums during assembly
If you haven't yet done so, please set aside time to view this 13-minute Budget Explainer by Dr. González. Budget vote is next Tuesday, April 25! Polls are open from 7a to 8p.
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Vote graphic re Budget on April 25, 2023
McKinley 1st and 3rd graders in Ms. Caruana and Ms. Shaughnessy classes took advantage of recent beautiful weather to read together outside. Thank you, Ms. Caruana, for the amazing photos!
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Three McKinley students read together outsideon the ground
Two McKinley students read together on the ground, with two others reading in background on a bench
McKinley 1st and 3rd graders outside on the grass reading
Two McKinley students lay on ground reading
Two McKinley students sit on bench reading
Author of the "Stick and Stone" series and other picture books, Beth Ferry visits Franklin on 4/13, highlighting importance of revision and rewrites to create a great story, along with collaboration and communication. Special thanks to librarian Rachel Kennedy and Franklin PTO.
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Author Beth Ferry speaks to Franklin students seated on gym floor
Author Beth Ferry speaks to Franklin students seated on gym floor
With the spring weather comes the Mileage Club, a student favorite at Tamaques organized by dedicated parent volunteers with 5th grade helpers. Runners/walkers receive a popsicle stick for every lap until they reach a mile, turning their stick in for a plastic charm.
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Students run during recess Mileage Club
Tamaques student wears a necklace of charms earned for laps run during the Mileage Club
Tamaques student wears a necklace of charms earned for laps run during the Mileage Club
In celebration of Hindu Spring Renewal Festival Lay Krathong, 6th graders in Mr. Lane and Mr. Knight's social studies classes reenacted the festival, writing worries on the sail of their Krathong (raft) before floating it down Ganges and Indus Rivers to carry those worries away.
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
RIS student writes worry on post it note to make sail for raft
RIS students smile as they use paper fans to propel their "worry" rafts down a makeshift river
RIS students smile as they use paper fans to propel their "worry" rafts down a makeshift river
Close up of fan and makeshift raft
RIS students smile as they use paper fans to propel their "worry" rafts down a makeshift river
Jefferson 5th graders play a math game to practice multiplying and dividing decimals by powers of 10. Students enjoy working in small groups and learning together.
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Jefferson 5th graders collaborate on math problems
Jefferson 5th graders collaborate on math problems
Jefferson 5th graders collaborate on math problems
Jefferson 5th graders collaborate on math problems
Congrats to 6th, 7th, and 8th graders who received Edison Personal Best Awards, recognized by their teachers for contributing in positive ways to the culture and climate of Edison through their character, behavior, and kindness.
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
EIS 6th grader winners of Personal Best award
EIS 7th grader winners of Personal Best award
EIS 8th grader winners of Personal Best award
Please note that the Board of Education meeting originally scheduled for tomorrow (Tues, 4/18) will be held on Thursday, 4/20 in WHS Cafe B, beginning at 7p. Agenda will be available at Livestream at
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Graphic noting BOE Meeting on April 20, 2023
The Optimist Club is accepting nominations for its annual Intermediate School Outstanding Teacher Awards. Deadline is Friday, May 5. More information, including the online nominating form here:
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Flyer noting details of Optimist Club intermediate school teacher award
Another wonderful celebration of diversity as Washington held its 2nd annual Multicultural Festival in March. 28 countries represented with crafts, food, language, geography. PTO-sponsored favorite was well attended with more than 150 "passports" distributed to young travelers.
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Family poses at table representing Kenya, Norway, and Finland
Mother and daughter pose for picture at Canada table with multicultural festival in background
Washington parents and child pose for picture at Puerto Rico table
Washington parents and child pose for picture at the Philippines table
Washington parents pose for picture in traditional dress in front of India table display
Still time to attend a virtual community engagement session next Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday to learn more about the 2023-2024 school district operating budget before going to the polls on Tuesday, April 25.
almost 2 years ago, Westfield Public Schools
Did You Know? Graphic with budget facts