Last week's "Thursday Table Talk," organized by WHS Student Assistance Coordinators (SACs) Jilyan Lane-Cruz and Lorna Lopez, provided important information about handling stress during midterms.

The Board of Education will hold a regular public meeting on Tuesday, January 23 in Cafeteria B at WHS, beginning at 7 p.m. Agenda: https://bit.ly/BOEAgendas2023-2024 Livestream: https://bit.ly/BOELivestream2023-2024

Lincoln students wrapped up their "Show and Tell" writing unit with a celebration. Students gave each other feedback using post-its with symbols. Students were excited to share their work with friends, and even more excited to compliment each other's hard work!

All Westfield Public Schools will have an EARLY DISMISSAL tomorrow (Friday), January 19, as the weather forecast predicts increasing snowfall into the afternoon. Please note the start times for Lincoln and the elementary schools in the Early Dismissal Schedule emailed to you or in the Inclement Weather Procedures on the district website under District Information.

First graders in Mrs. Schreier's class at Wilson explore a variety of non-fiction texts as they continue their study of text features (i.e., headings, tables of contents, glossaries, bolded words, pictures, captions) to locate key facts or information.

Learning about propaganda is part of an interdisciplinary Holocaust unit this month in 8th grade Social Studies and English Language Arts classes at Edison and Roosevelt.

Second graders at each of our elementary schools learned about the health benefits of safely walking and biking to school, as part of a district initiative under the Safe Routes to School Program which aligns with Strategic Plan Goals 1 and 2. https://sites.google.com/westfieldnjk12.org/wps-strategicplan2023-2028/home

Clinical psychologist and motivational speaker Dr. Mykee Fowlin visits our 8th graders, using humor, storytelling, theatrical monologues, psychology, and more to encourage his audience to better understand themselves and each other to find common ground and shared experiences.

After monitoring weather conditions overnight, all Westfield Public Schools will have a delayed opening today (Wednesday), January 17 to allow time for the DPW and our buildings and grounds crews to address icy conditions. For the delayed opening schedule, please check your email or the Inclement Weather Procedures on the district website. https://www.westfieldnjk12.org/page/inclement-weather-procedures-school-closings Please travel safely!

Congratulations to award recipients in this year's essay, poetry, and art contest sponsored by the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Association of Westfield. Thank you to all students who submitted their creative works for consideration. https://www.westfieldnjk12.org/article/1412955

Nominating petitions for candidacy in the April 16, 2024 School Board Election are being accepted. The deadline to submit completed petitions is no later than 4 p.m. on Monday, February 26. Petition and more info here: https://www.westfieldnjk12.org/page/boardelectionapril2024

Due to the forecasted winter storm and the potential for icy road conditions, all Westfield Public Schools will have a delayed opening tomorrow (Tuesday), January 16, to help safeguard our students and staff during their morning commute. Please check your email or consult the Inclement Weather Procedures page on the district website for the delayed opening schedule.

Due to the forecasted winter storm and the potential for icy road conditions, all Westfield Public Schools will have a delayed opening tomorrow (Tuesday), January 16, to help safeguard our students and staff during their morning commute. Please check your email or consult the Inclement Weather Procedures page on the district website for the delayed opening schedule.

Mrs. Jarvis's and Mrs. Procaccino's World Crafts classes at WHS learned about the art of Kintsugi -- a Japanese tradition of repairing broken pottery with gold. The fractures become an important part of the object's history; a symbol of fragility, strength, and beauty.

Ms. Burke's 7th grade Language Arts classes at Roosevelt had a "book tasting" to sample various book titles as they determine their top choices for their upcoming memoir book clubs.

During a recent science lesson, Washington 4th graders explored the concepts of magnetic forces and fields.

All Westfield Public Schools and offices are closed on Monday, January 15, in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Lincoln students use their crayons, fingers and counting cubes to make different combinations of the same number.

Exploring island biogeography and biodiversity, along with biogeochemical cycle concepts, in Dr. Terra's and Mrs. McLoughlin‘s AP Environmental Science classes at WHS.

Goal writing for the new year at McKinley!