The WHS Honor Rolls for MP1 are announced. Congratulations to all!
about 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
Graphic saying "Congratulations!"
Spotlight on Education contains a curated and updated selection of photos, stories, and videos to highlight our Tradition of Excellence, along with an Information Series of curriculum presentations.
about 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
Screenshot of Spotlight on Education
Business executive and WHS parent Mr. Vaccaro visited Mr. Gironda's Math of Personal Finance class as part of a unit on Amazon. Students researched Mr. Vaccaro's career experiences in advance, writing questions "to keep the conversation focused and fresh," says Mr. Gironda.
about 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
Parent speaks to Personal Finance class
Students ask question
Some fun sleuthing in "The Case of the Missing Lunch", as part of the elementary gifted program. Full story:
about 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
Groups of students and parents conduct experiment
Thank you to our Board of Education members for their countless hours of service to our students and staff.
about 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
Graphic noting January as School Board Recognition Month
This WHS flute ensemble performed last month before an appreciative audience of senior residents.
about 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
WHS flute players perform for senior citizens
Check out these fun "snow globe" backdrops created by Franklin art teacher Becky Davenport!
about 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
Two Franklin students pretend to throw snowballs inside pretend snow globe
Franklin student pretends to be trapped in pretend snow globe
Franklin teachers pose for picture in pretend snow globe
Franklin principals pose for picture in pretend snow globe
Always a favorite is the holiday tour our intermediate student musicians make to their elementary alma maters to share holiday cheer. Special thanks to our talented band, choral, and orchestra instructors who make this annual event so fun!
about 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
Back of jazz band intermediate musicians, performing and wearing santa hats
Intermediate school singers perform, wearing green bow ties
Intermediate musicians in a row, playing saxaphones
Intermediate band members playing instruments
Intermediate band members playing instruments, wearing seasonal headwear
Intermediate band members playing instruments, as instructor conducts
Intermediate choral director plays guitar while chorus singers march thru seated elementary students
Three members of the intermediate orchestra perform
Please check your email inboxes for the December issue of The NEWS Letter, which also is posted on the district website.
about 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
NEWS Letter heading
The Board welcomed talented student musicians and athletes to its December 19 meeting. Read more in this synopsis:
about 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
Photo collage of WHS band and flute ensembles at Board meeting
about 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
The WHS Dream Team's annual Hot Chocolate Holiday is always a favorite, as the club works to raise awareness about substance abuse and prevention. Read more:
about 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
Members of WHS Dream Team hand out hot cocoa.
Hands-on math exploration using Base Ten Blocks and meter sticks to learn about tenths and hundredths of a meter in Beth Billing's 4th grade class at Franklin.
about 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
Two 4th graders sitting crossed legged on the floor working meter measuring stick
Two 4th graders working together on floor with meter measuring stick and math sticks
Two 4th graders sitting crossed legged on floor working with math materials and meter measuring stick
Two 4th graders working together on floor with meter measuring stick and math materials
This Thursday Table Talk during lunch periods at WHS focused on National Impaired Driving Prevention Month, with our Student Assistance Coordinators (SACs) sharing important information and students trying out "Fatal Vision" goggles to experience the impact of impairment.
about 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
Student tries to walk a straight line, wearing VR goggles
Student reads Impaired Driving Facts while counselor looks on
Counselor looks over table with Impaired Driving facts and other artifacts
Counselor speaks to gathered students about impaired driving
Group of students look on as one student tries walking in straight line, wearing VR goggles
Trifold board with impaired driving facts
The Board of Education will hold a regular public meeting on Tuesday, December 19 in Cafeteria B at WHS, beginning at 7 p.m. Agenda: Livestream:
about 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
Graphic noting BOE Meeting on Dec 19
Using a timed carousel of task cards, students in Mrs. Ferreira's 6th grade social studies class at Edison used the acronym GRAPES (Geography, Religion, Achievements, Politics, Economy, Social Structure) to identify and categorize historical facts about ancient civilizations.
about 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
Two EIS 6th graders work together on social studies research project
EIS 6th graders work around the room, collecting information for social studies research project
Congratulations to these talented student musicians and their instructors!
about 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
Five WHS band members pose for a picture
"Shredding Stress" at Roosevelt where students recently participated in healthy coping strategies to manage stress and anxiety. Student Assistance Coordinator Christine Trottere assembled a table of stress balls, fidget toys, kinetic sand, bubbles, along with a paper shredder!
about 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
Student uses paper shredder as counselor looks on
Lots of evident talent and dedication in our holiday concert rehearsals and performances.
about 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
Franklin vocal director Brent Geyer directs Grade 5 Chorus, all dressed in green t-shirts
Four 5th graders play flute
Washington Grade 5 band members perform for schoolmates
WHS Band rehearses on stage
Our school community is committed to year round community service and charitable giving. The Franklin Grade 5 Student Council's Caring and Sharing Committee recently conducted a schoolwide gift drive to brighten the holidays for children with cancer and related blood disorders.
about 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
Members of the Gr 5 Caring and Sharing Committee pose for a picture as they load a car full of gifts for a local charity.
Members of the Gr 5 Caring and Sharing Committee pose for a picture as they load a car full of gifts for a local charity.