Westfield High School Presents Greek Classic Antigone with Modern Twist
November 16, 17, 18
The Westfield High School Theatre Department is proud to present its Fall drama, Antigone,
November 16 (4:00 pm) and November 17 and 18 (7:30 pm). All performances are at Westfield
High School and tickets may be purchased online only at whstd.booktix.com.
In a dystopian near-future, a war-torn nation struggles for peace and unity. The newly appointed leader, Kreon (Skyler Lipkind) stands for law and order, but his niece Antigone (Cara Cogan), stands for justice and the laws of the universe. Neither will yield and a fatal battle of wills rages.
Pushed to extremes, who will bend, and who will break? A high-stakes, timeless tale, Antigone
burns with contemporary relevance, as age and youth clash over the future of their country.
When we meet Antigone, the daughter of Oedipus, she and her sister Ismene (Ella Oberstein)
are mourning the death of their brothers Polynices and Eteocles, who have been slain in a civil
war for the throne of Thebes. When the tyrannical Kreon refuses to give the traitorous Polynices a proper ritualistic burial, a defiant Antigone takes matters into her own hands. What follows is a heart-wrenching story about loyalty, faith, and the meaning of justice.
Written by Greek playwright Sophocles in 441 B.C., this clever adaptation by Scottish poet
Hollie McNish stays true to the essential core of the story, while speaking directly to today’s
contemporary concerns with fresh, eloquent, poetic verse and a dash of humor.
“This outstanding adaptation of Antigone beautifully strikes the balance between classic and
contemporary, “said Daniel Devlin, Director.” “We, as a culture, have seen up close what civil
strife looks like, both at home and abroad. After the events of the past few years, it seems as if
we can all identify on an even deeper level with these characters.”
“Antigone continues our tradition of producing works of theatre that challenge our incredibly
talented young artists onstage, backstage, in the classroom, and in the society as a whole,”
Devlin added.
Other members of the cast include Ben Dickerson (Haemon), Tiresias (Nadia Rego), Emcee (Charlotte Cotroneo), Messenger (Alexandra Haar), Audience Members (Keaton Shepherd, Luella Mockebee, Owen Ing), Guards (Madeleine Smith, Chloe McAuliffe, Francesca Hamrah), Chorus Members (Rachel Klemm, Caroline Morelli, Garrett Gao, Izzy Shreyhane, Annabel Barker, Ethan Young, Jordan Mirrione).
In addition to the on-stage talent, WHS students play a large role behind the scenes, working on the show’s costumes, makeup, props, lighting and sound, and designing and building the set.
The award-winning Westfield High School Theatre Department is an inclusive community
offering outstanding opportunities for all students to develop their skills in acting, technical
theatre, and live performance. Its mission is to help every student reach their highest potential
as an artist and as an individual.
Tickets for Antigone are $12 each and are on sale at whstd.booktix.com. Advance purchases
are required as tickets will NOT be available at the door. Tickets are reserved seating.
Performances are in the auditorium of Westfield High School, located at 550 Dorian Road.
Lani Lipkind
(908) 419-7099