The Definition of Gifted
The Westfield Board of Education recognizes the needs of students who possess and demonstrate extremely high levels of ability. New Jersey Administrative code defines gifted and talented students as: "Those students who possess or demonstrate high levels of ability, in one or more content areas, when compared to their chronological peers in the local district and who require modification of their educational program if they are to achieve in accordance with their capabilities."
Elementary Curriculum
Students' needs are met through differentiated instruction.
3rd Grade Pull-Out Courses:
Life Science Exploration
Advanced Mathematics Strand
Living Together in Communities Under the Law
4th Grade Pull-Out Courses:
Introduction to Chemistry
Advanced Mathematics Strand
Social Studies: Interdisciplinary Units of Study
5th Grade Pull-Out Courses:
Research Methods - Problem Based Learning
Advanced Mathematics Strand
Intermediate Curriculum
Sixth Grade:
Examination of Point of View Through Debate
Introduction to Physics
Accelerated Math
Seventh Grade:
Algebra I
Eighth Grade:
Elective: Science Olympiad: (OPEN TO ALL EIS STUDENTS)
Elective: Debate: Advanced Examination of Point of View
Geometry and Biology
Gifted Evaluations Timeline
All second graders will be screened in March. Students who qualify will take the full CogAT and then the WISC-V.
Contact Information
Enrique Pincay, Supervisor of Gifted & Talented, Multilingual Learners, and World Language